The Ashrama manages a full-fledged marriage facilitating center for orphaned, handicapped and destitute girls. The center is for anyone who finds it difficult to get married including boys (Grooms). After the resident finishes studies and is ready for marriage the Ashrama takes the responsibility of finding a suitable groom for her. We try to "Groom" her by talking to her, by counseling her and finally, preparing her mind to accept family life. The first and foremost factor the Ashrama scrutinizes is the personality of the prospective groom concerned. Then the character of the groom will have to be vouched by the most reliable (relative/family friends) well-wisher of the bride’s family or verified diligently by the parents themselves. Abalashrama has conducted scores of marriages to date. The President/Secretary of the institution shall perform kanyadaan and the marriage is conducted as per Arya Samaj rituals by default. We try to make the Groom understand that he will hold the girl's